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hi, i’m dani!

The very first thing to know about me is that I am passionate about creating photos for my clients because I love all the people!! People are my passion, and they have inspired me to be in this business from the very first moments of picking up a camera.

I come from a tiny town, and a big family, and growing up I would take any and every opportunity to photograph my siblings, friends, cousins, their cousins and friends…that’s kind of where this whole thing started, and I’ve been at it professionally for six years now!

What really drives me is idea that a moment in time can be frozen, and looked at, and remembered, and felt.


but what we’re all

really here for,

is this guy — 

About a year into our marriage, we decided to add this golden boy to our family.

We named him Moose, and since day one he's been the friendliest & most adventurous part of the team

. I have all the cute aggression about him. All of it.


…meet my better half

I married the most supportive human in quite possibly the whole world. Chances are, if we've shot together, you have probably met him. He comes with me on nearly every shoot. He stays up with me while I edit through wild hours of the name it, he is there for me. He's a "bring you your favorite 44 oz soda on a really tough day" kinda guy, and I do not know what I would do without him. 
